Before I found Jade's channel, I was spending $200-300 a month pulling for every character trying to build a strong account. I didn't really understand the artifact system very well.
Since I have become a regular viewer, I have stopped spending money on pulls. The coaching service helped me find the value that I already had in my account, and it saved a lot of money in the long run. In a lot of ways, this was the best $33 I ever spent.
I never thought I'd be able to get a top 1% character, and it felt great watching the number go up from in some cases the low 60% to the top 10% and even 1% with the resources I already had.

I felt really amazed when you helped my Ayaka get to the top 1%. I don't usually spend a lot of money on things like Battle Pass, so I wanted to make good use of the resources I already had on my account.
I didn't think it would even be possible for Jade to bring my Ayaka up to the top 1%, because she was stuck at 6% for over 6 months! I was very surprised. This was my first character in the top 1%!
I would recommend the coaching session, and will continue to tell my friends about the services offered by Jade.


If you seriously want some help for Genshin then Jadorelife is pretty awesome. she’s patient, knowledgeable, and overall just fun to talk to and be around. I played Genshin for a while and left because I was overall overwhelmed with what needed to be done. I didn’t have a community to talk to or learn from so I left for a while.
Then I came back and stumbled on her help. She helped me learn to really appreciate what Genshin has to offer and made it fun again. I didn’t know how to build characters and was using the wrong sets and everything. But now thanks to her I’ve been able to bring my characters to top ranked builds. The proof is in the pudding. you can see for yourself. My UID is 619022439.
